AdaptrAudioPlayer Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in AdaptrAudioPlayer.h


The SDK centers around a singleton instance of this AdaptrAudioPlayer class, which has simple methods to control music playback (play, pause, skip). The AdaptrAudioPlayer holds lists of Station objects (stationList and localOfflineStationList), one of which is always considered the active station (activeStation). Once music playback has begun, there is a current song (currentSong).

Typical initialization and setup is as follows:

As early as you can in your app’s lifecycle (preferably in your AppDelegate or initial ViewController) call

 [AdaptrAudioPlayer setclientToken:@"demo" secret:@"demo"]

to asynchronously contact the servers, validate that the client is in a location that can legally stream music, and kick of a thread to retrieve a list of available streaming music stations.

There are a number of sample credentials you can use to assist in testing your app out. Use one of the following strings for your token and secret to get the desired behavior:

  • ‘demo’ - 3 simple stations with no skip limits
  • ‘badgeo’ - will treat this client as if it were accessing from outside the US
  • ‘counting’ - a station that just plays really short audio clips of a voice saying the numbers 0 through 9

To receive notice that music is available or not available, use the whenAvailable:notAvailable: method call, which is guaranteed to call only one of its arguments as soon as music is deemed available or not:

AdaptrAudioPlayer *player = [AdaptrAudioPlayer sharedPlayer];

[player whenAvailable:^{
  NSLog(@"music is available!");
  // .. do something, now that you know music is available

 } notAvailable: ^{
    NSLog(@"music is not available!");
    // .. do something, like leave music button hidden


Because music may not be available to this particular client (due to lack of network connectivity or geographic restrictions), we recommend you leave music functionality hidden by default, and reveal it only when confirmation is returned.

Once music is available, use the play, pause, skip methods to control playback. The stationList and localOfflineStationList properties will contain lists of stations the user can switch to with the setActiveStation: and setActiveStation:withCrossfade: calls.

 // pick the station to play music from
 Station *station = [player.stationList getStationWithOptionKey: @"genre" Value: @"HipHop"];
 [player setActiveStation:station withCrossfade:NO];

 // when you have set the station that is about to begin playback, you
 // can optionally call prepareToPlay first so playback is immediate upon
 // calling 'play'
 [player prepareToPlay];

 // begin playback!
 // (if you called 'prepareToPlay', then you should first wait for
 // an AdaptrAudioPlayerMusicQueuedNotification notification to be guaranteed
 // that playback will start immediately on this call, with no intervening
 // network requests)
 [player play]

Offline music can be retrieved by selecting a station in the remoteOfflineStationList and passing it to downloadAndSyncStation:forTargetMinutes:withDelegate. That will cause the contents of the station to be downloaded onto the device (or updated with new music, if the station was already downloaded and new music is available), and a new Station entry in localOfflineStationList that can be passed to setActiveStation.

The AdaptrAudioPlayer registers with iOS so that playback can be paused, skipped, liked, and disliked via the lock screen. Additionally, iOS will display on the lock screen whatever image you’ve assigned via [AdaptrAudioPlayer setLockScreenImage:].

The ‘prepareToPlay’ method can be called before playback begins and when the client knows that the current station will immediately be played next. This call is primarily useful when you want music to begin playback immediately upon a call to play, with no intervening network requests.

The AdaptrAudioPlayer generates events that can be hooked into whatever analytics service your app uses. Just have an object in your app (your AppDelegate is a good choice) implement the AdaptrAudioPlayerLogger protocol. You just need to implement two methods: logEvent: and logEvent:withParameters:, and assign the object to [FeedMedia sharedPlayer].logger.

For assistance with building music player UI, check out the UI library documentation and check out our demo app:


+ setClientToken:secret:

This method kicks off asynchronous initialization of the library and communication with the servers. This call should be made as early as possible in the lifecycle of the app.

+ (void)setClientToken:(nonnull NSString *)token secret:(nonnull NSString *)secret



public authentication token. Use @"demo" during testing/development.


private authentication token. Use @"demo" during testing/development.

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+ sharedPlayer

There is only one global AdaptrAudioPlayer instance, and it is available via this static property.

+ (nonnull AdaptrAudioPlayer *)sharedPlayer

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+ setBaseUrl:

Change the base url of Api For Internal testing only

+ (void)setBaseUrl:(NSString *_Nonnull)url

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– whenAvailable:notAvailable:

Call one of the two callbacks as soon as we know music is available for playback. One of these two blocks is guaranteed to be called, and only one call will ever be made. Just before the onAvailable callback is made, the list of available stations is fully populated.

- (void)whenAvailable:(nonnull void ( ^ ) ( void ))onAvailable notAvailable:(nonnull void ( ^ ) ( void ))onNotAvailable



called when music becomes or already is available


called when we determine music is not available


Note that the callbacks are only made after attempting to contact the servers, even if local offline music is available while waiting for a response. If the player is unable to contact the servers or they respond that no streaming music is available, but there is local offline music, then the onAvailable callback will be called.

If the player has already contacted (or failed to contact) the servers, then one of the two calls passed callbacks will be called immediately, before this method returns.

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– updateSession:

Called when there is need to update the stationlist from server. This method can be called periodically for long running apps that do not quit for multiple days If a new nession is not available then no callback will be recived

- (void)updateSession:(nonnull void ( ^ ) ( void ))onUpdatedSessionAvailable



called when session is refreshed

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Playback Controls

– prepareToPlay

Starts asynchronous loading of the first song in the active station so that a future call to play will start music instantaneously. This action runs asynchronously and, when it completes, triggers an AdaptrAudioPlayerPreCachingCompleted notification.

- (void)prepareToPlay

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– play

Starts retrieval and playback of music in the active station.

- (void)play

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– playAudioItem:

Start playback of specific song. This method only works with on-demand stations.

- (void)playAudioItem:(nonnull Audiofile *)audioItem



the audio item to immediately play

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– pause

Pauses music playback.

- (void)pause

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– stop

Stops music playback and discards any cached audio.

- (void)stop

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– skip

Asynchronously request that the player skip the current song. If the request is successful, the current song will stop and the next will begin. If not, an AdaptrAudioPlayerSkipFailedNotification will be posted to the default notification center and the current song will continue playback.

- (void)skip

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– like

Calls likeAudioItem: with the currently playing song

- (void)like

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– likeAudioItem:

Marks the specified song as ‘liked’. Updates the [Audiofile liked] and [Audiofile disliked] properties.

- (void)likeAudioItem:(nonnull Audiofile *)audioItem



the audio item that is to be liked. If null, then the currently active audio item will be liked.


This triggers an AdaptrAudioPlayerLikeStatusChangeNotification notification with a userInfo dictionary that contains the audioItem object indexed by AudiofileKey.

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– dislike

Calls dislikeAudioItem: with the currently playing song

- (void)dislike

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– dislikeAudioItem:

Marks the specified song as ‘disliked’. Updates the [Audiofile liked] and [Audiofile disliked] properties.

- (void)dislikeAudioItem:(nonnull Audiofile *)audioItem



the audio item that is to be disliked. If null, then the currently active audio item will be disliked.


This triggers an AdaptrAudioPlayerLikeStatusChangeNotification notification with a userInfo dictionary that contains the audioItem object indexed by AudiofileKey.

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– unlike

Calls unlikeAudioItem: with the currently playing song

- (void)unlike

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– unlikeAudioItem:

Marks the specified song as neither ‘liked’ nor ‘disliked’. Updates the [Audiofile liked] and [Audiofile disliked] properties.

- (void)unlikeAudioItem:(nonnull Audiofile *)audioItem



the audio item that is to be unliked. If null, then the currently active audio item will be unliked.


This triggers an AdaptrAudioPlayerLikeStatusChangeNotification notification with a userInfo dictionary that contains the audioItem object indexed by AudiofileKey.

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– getClientId

Get currently Active ClientID

- (nullable NSString *)getClientId

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– setClientId:

Sets a previously generated clientid to be the active id.

- (void)setClientId:(nonnull NSString *)cid



previously generated client id

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– createNewClientId

Asynchronously generate a new client id for a new user. When this request is complete a NSNotification AdaptrAudioPlayerNewClientIdAvailable is triggered with userInfo dictionary that contains the clientid

- (void)createNewClientId

See Also

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– setDefaultControlDelegate

Internal Method

- (void)setDefaultControlDelegate

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– setPlayerControlDelegate:

Internal Method

- (void)setPlayerControlDelegate:(id<MixingAudioPlayer> _Nonnull)newPlayerControlDelegate

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Enable/Disable auto retrying of network failures. If network disappears and this option in enabled, player will wait until network is restored and resume music playback, insted of shutting down. This option must be set before setClientToken is called. By default this option is set to true. If this opiton is set and setClientToken call fails due to network failure the SDK will call onUnAvailable but as network is restored OnAvailable will be automatically called again.

@property (class, nonatomic) BOOL autoNetworkRetryEnabled

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Playback Status


Current player state. As this state changes, an AdaptrAudioPlayerPlaybackStateDidChangeNotification is triggered with the default notification center.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) AdaptrAudioPlayerPlaybackState playbackState

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The currently playing or paused song, or null if there is not one.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) Audiofile *currentItem

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The elapsed playback time of the current item.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval currentPlaybackTime

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Indicates the duration of the current item.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval currentItemDuration

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The current rate of playback. Slow/fast play is not supported, so this will always be 0.0 or 1.0

@property (nonatomic, readonly) float currentPlaybackRate

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If false, then the user may not skip the currently playing song. If true, the user may be able to skip the current song, but the server will be queried and possibly reject the request. This property is updated every time a new song starts playback or after a failed skip attempt, and a AdaptrAudioPlayerSkipStatusNotification notification is sent any time this value changes.

@property (readonly) BOOL canSkip

See Also

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This array holds all the Audiofiles that the user has heard since playback started, including the currently playing song. As new items start playback, they are appended to this array.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, nonnull) NSMutableArray<Audiofile*> *playHistory


This history currently does not include songs from past sessions.

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Playback options


The number of seconds to crossfade between songs. This defaults to 0. If crossfading values is set in server side, setting this value will have no effect as server side values have higher priority.

@property (nonatomic) float secondsOfCrossfade

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When true (the default), adjust individual song volumes so they are perceived be the same loudness.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL normalizeSongVolume

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A value between 0.0 and 1.0 relative to system volume

@property (nonatomic) float mixVolume

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Current and available stations


This is a list of streaming music stations retrieved from the server. This array will not change once populated.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, nonnull) StationArray *stationList

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The list of stations available for immediate offline playback. This list contains any stations that have been downloaded at some point in the past with downloadAndSyncStation:forTargetMinutes:withDelegate.

@property (readonly, nonatomic, nonnull) StationArray *localOfflineStationList

Return Value

List of stations available on disk ready for playback. never returns nil.


Stations listed here are available for playback even if there is no network connectivity, and this property is intialized as soon as the AdaptrAudioPlayer is created (before any attempt is made to contact the servers.

When there is internet connectivity, every station in this list will have a paired station (with the same name, but not necessarily same ID) in the remoteOfflineStationList. Use remoteOfflineStationForLocalOfflineStation: to map to the remote Station. If they have different ‘identifier’ values, then the local station should be updated by passing its pair to downloadAndSyncStation:withDelegate.

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List of stations that are available for downloading.

@property (readonly, nonatomic) StationArray *remoteOfflineStationList

Return Value

List of stations that can be downloaded for offline playback


These stations cannot be tuned to (with setActiveStation:), rather they should be passed to downloadAndSyncSation:forTargetMinutes:withDelegate to be downloaded and made available for playback in the localOfflineStationList.

This property is only populated when internet connectivity is available and the player is declared ‘available’.

If one of these stations has been downloaded, the localOfflineStationForRemoteOfflineStation: method can be used to find the local equivalent for playback.

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The current station from which music is pulled. Any Station retrieved from the stationList or localOfflineStationList properties can be assigned here. Once music is available, this property is never null. When this value changes, AdaptrAudioPlayerActiveStationDidChangeNotification is sent to the default notification center.

@property (nonatomic, copy, nonnull) Station *activeStation

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– setActiveStation:withCrossfade:

Make the given station the activeStation. If withCrossfade is true, any currently playing music will crossfade into the first song in the new station.

- (void)setActiveStation:(nonnull Station *)station withCrossfade:(BOOL)withCrossfade



Station to tune to.


if true, if crossfading is enabled, and if music is currenty playing, the currently playing song will fade into the song in the new station as soon as it is loaded.

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Offline station management

– downloadAndSyncStation:forTargetMinutes:withDelegate:

Downloads an offline station.

- (void)downloadAndSyncStation:(nonnull Station *)remoteStation forTargetMinutes:(nullable NSNumber *)minutes withDelegate:(nonnull id<StationDownloadDelegate>)delegate



A station from remoteOfflineStationList


describes target time for music. If you need music for half an hour pass 30.


for receiving updates about the download.


This method kicks off an asynchronous download to retrieve audio files for the given station. As the station downloads, events (1 at a minimum) will be sent to the provided delegate.

The station passed in must come from the remoteOfflineStationList

The minutes attribute specifies the minimum number of minutes of music the client would like to be available offline. The server will make the decision as to whether the client already has enough music stored locally and, if so, whether that music should be replaced or appended to.

Note that if the requested station has already been downloaded or partially downloaded to local storage already, only missing music will be downloaded. Some stations can additionally be configured (on the server) so that only a subset of the full station contents are saved on client devices, and each request to downloadAndSyncStation: will cause recently played music to be deleted and new music to be downloaded.

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– downloadAndSyncStation:withDelegate:

Downloads an offline station.

- (void)downloadAndSyncStation:(nonnull Station *)remoteStation withDelegate:(nonnull id<StationDownloadDelegate>)delegate



Pass a station from remoteOfflineStationList


for receiving updates about the download.


This method is the same as downloadAndSyncStation:forTargetMinutes:withDelegate, but it lets the server determine the ‘targetMinutes’ value. This method is preferable unless the amount of music to be loaded for each station varies in different contexts known only by the client.

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– deleteOfflineStation:

Deletes all locally stored files in a previously downloaded station and removes the station from the localOfflineStationList.

- (void)deleteOfflineStation:(nonnull Station *)localOfflineStation



the station whose contents will be deleted.


Does nothing if the station passed in does not appear in the localOfflineStationList or if the station being deleted is the activeStation.

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– deleteAllOfflineStations

Deletes all locally stored stations.

- (void)deleteAllOfflineStations


This call does nothing if the current active station is a local offline station.

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– localOfflineStationForRemoteOfflineStation:

Map a remote offline station to a local offline station.

- (nullable Station *)localOfflineStationForRemoteOfflineStation:(nonnull Station *)remoteOfflineStation



a station from remoteOfflineStationList

Return Value

nil or a station from remoteOfflineStationList


This method is useful in determining which of the available remote offline stations have been downloaded and stored as local offline stations.

When a remote station is downloaded, a duplicate Station instance is added to the local offline station array. If the remote station is updated (that is, music is added or deleted), then the remote Station instance will have an ID that differs from the Station instance in the local offline station array. This station maps the remote Station instance to its local Station instance, regardless of whether their contents match up exactly.

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– remoteOfflineStationForLocalOfflineStation:

Map a locally stored offline station to its remote offline pair.

- (nullable Station *)remoteOfflineStationForLocalOfflineStation:(nonnull Station *)localOfflineStation



a station from localOfflineStationList

Return Value

a station from remoteOfflineStationList


This method is useful to determine if a locally downloaded station can be updated with new music. If the local Station identifier value doesn’t match the remote Station identifier value, then the remote Station can be passed to downloadAndSyncStation:withDelegate to update the local Station.

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Logging and reporting


Any calls to logEvent: or logEvent:withParameters: are also sent to the logger assigned to this property, if any.

@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<AdaptrAudioPlayerLogger> logger

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– logEvent:

Everything logged here goes back to and is also cc’d to the logger property

- (void)logEvent:(nonnull NSString *)event



Log message

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– logEvent:withParameters:

Everything logged here goes back to and is also cc’d to the logger property

- (void)logEvent:(nonnull NSString *)event withParameters:(nonnull NSDictionary *)parameters



Log message



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Disable the creation and management of AVAudioSession by Feed SDK completely

@property (nonatomic) BOOL disableAVAudioSession

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Order specifies priority (earlier elements are preferred). Nil-ing this property will allow any format to be served, but is not recommended. Set to FMAudioFormatMP3 to exclude AAC files. Defaults to @[FMAudioFormatAAC,FMAudioFormatMP3].

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray *supportedAudioFormats


In the normal course of events, clients do not need to make use of this.

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Set to specify available bandwidth, in kbps. Set to 0 to request the highest available quality. Defaults to 48.

@property (nonatomic) NSInteger maxBitrate

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This status bar notification is used to announce song changes to the user. Access the properties on this object to change how the notification is styled and to add handlers for when the notification is tapped.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) CWStatusBarNotification *statusBarNotification


Details on this object can be found at

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The player displays a notification at the top of the screen during song transitions by default. If you are currently showing the active song, which means a notification isn’t needed, it can be disabled by setting this property to YES. Don’t forget to set this to NO when you stop showing the active song.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL disableSongStartNotifications


To alter how notifications are displayed, see the statusBarNotification property.

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If YES (the default), then the library will register with the MPRemoteCommandCenter to handle play/pause/skip/like/dislike commands upon start of playback.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL doesHandleRemoteCommands

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When not NULL, this causes the AdaptrAudioPlayer to not update the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter metadata nor enable or disable the like, dislike, and next track MPFeedbackCommands. See the documentation of FMLockScreenDelegate for more information. Note that the AdaptrAudioPlayer will still register to handle the MPRemoteCommandCenter commands (play/pause/skip/like/dislike) unless doesHandleRemoteCommands is also set to NO.

@property (nonatomic, nullable) id<LockScreenDelegate> lockScreenDelegate

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– setLockScreenImage:

Assigns the image to be displayed on the lock screen when music is playing.

- (void)setLockScreenImage:(nonnull UIImage *)image



The image to be added to the lock screen

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+ nameForType:

Utility function to map state to string.

+ (nonnull NSString *)nameForType:(AdaptrAudioPlayerPlaybackState)type



the playback state to map to an NSString

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– destroy

Destroys the instance of the player, use this call if you wish to set new tokens.

- (void)destroy

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– getStationWithOptions:

Clients should use the StationArray interface to search for stations based on option values. (Deprecated: Clients should use the StationArray interface to search for stations based on option values.

Search throught the list of available stations, and return one that has options that match those passed in via optionKeysAndValues. This differs from getStationWithOptionKey:Value: in that you can specify multiple key/value pairs, like so:

[player getStationWithOptions: @{ @“genre”: @“80s”, @“bpm” : @“slow” }

This method returns the first station with the matching values, or nil.)

- (nullable Station *)getStationWithOptions:(nonnull NSDictionary *)optionKeysAndValues



key value pairs to search for

Return Value

a station whose options contain optionKeysAndValues

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– getAllStationsWithOptions:

Clients should use the StationArray interface to search for stations based on option values. (Deprecated: Clients should use the StationArray interface to search for stations based on option values.

Similar to getStationWithOptions:, but this method returns all the stations that match the passed in optionsKeysAndValues.)

- (nullable NSArray<Station*> *)getAllStationsWithOptions:(nonnull NSDictionary *)optionKeysAndValues



key value pairs to search for

Return Value

an array of stations whose options contain optionKeysAndValues. never nil.

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– setActiveStationByName:

Clients should find Station references by pulling them from stationList or localOfflineStationList and then assigning the reference to the activeStation property or calling setActiveStation:withCrossfade: (Deprecated: Clients should find Station references by pulling them from stationList or localOfflineStationList and then assigning the reference to the activeStation property or calling setActiveStation:withCrossfade:

Finds a station with the given name and assigns it to the activeStation.)

- (BOOL)setActiveStationByName:(nonnull NSString *)name



Station name. Should not be nil.

Return Value

true if a station with the given name is found

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– setActiveStationByName:withCrossfade:

Clients should find Station references by pulling them from stationList or localOfflineStationList and then assigning the reference to the activeStation property or calling setActiveStation:withCrossfade: (Deprecated: Clients should find Station references by pulling them from stationList or localOfflineStationList and then assigning the reference to the activeStation property or calling setActiveStation:withCrossfade:

Finds a station with the given name and assigns it to the activeStation. If withCrossfade is true, any currently playing music will crossfade into the first song in the new station.)

- (BOOL)setActiveStationByName:(nonnull NSString *)name withCrossfade:(BOOL)withCrossfade



Station name. Should not be nil.


if true, if crossfading is enabled, and if music is currenty playing, the currently playing song will fade into the song in the new station as soon as it is loaded.

Return Value

true if a station with the given name is found

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– getStationWithOptionKey:Value:

Clients should find Station references by pulling them from stationList, localOfflineStationList, or remoteOfflineStationList. (Deprecated: Clients should find Station references by pulling them from stationList, localOfflineStationList, or remoteOfflineStationList.

Search through the list of available stations, and return the one that has an option attribute named ‘key’ with a string value of ‘value’.)

- (nullable Station *)getStationWithOptionKey:(nonnull NSString *)key Value:(nonnull NSObject *)value



name of attribute to inspect


attribute value that matching station should contain

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– prepareStations:

@deprected This method is called internally now and clients need not call it.

- (void)prepareStations:(nullable NSArray<Station*> *)stations



list of stations to prepare

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Clients should look for the AdaptrAudioPlayerMusicQueuedNotification notification to know when music is queued up in the player, rather than rely on this property, which will be removed in the next major version. (Deprecated: Clients should look for the AdaptrAudioPlayerMusicQueuedNotification notification to know when music is queued up in the player, rather than rely on this property, which will be removed in the next major version.

Indicates if the SDK has retrieved the next song for playback from the server and is ready to start playing it.)

@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isPreparedToPlay

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+ setClientToken:secret:detectLocalMusic:

local detection is no longer performed by this library (Deprecated: local detection is no longer performed by this library

This call to initialize the library and then detect whether the user had any local music available for playback.)

+ (void)setClientToken:(nonnull NSString *)token secret:(nonnull NSString *)secret detectLocalMusic:(BOOL)detectLocalMusic



public authentication token. Use @"demo" during testing/development.


private authentication token. Use @"demo" during testing/development.


when true, the user’s local media collection will be queried to sample what type of music they listen to

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– seekStationBy:

Seek station by give no of seconds. Max allowed value can be obtained by maxSeekableLength

- (void)seekStationBy:(NSTimeInterval)time



in seconds

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– maxSeekableLength

Max no of seconds that can be seeked in the current station

- (NSTimeInterval)maxSeekableLength

Return Value

Time in seconds

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– setAVAudioSessionCategory:mode:options:

This method sets the default configuration values when the AdaptrAudioPlayer initializes an AVAudioSession.

- (void)setAVAudioSessionCategory:(nonnull AVAudioSessionCategory)category mode:(nonnull AVAudioSessionMode)mode options:(AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions)options



category to request when player gets AVAudioSession


mode to request when player gets AVAudioSession


category options to set when player gets AVAudioSession


When playback starts, the AdaptrAudioPlayer needs to ensure there is an active AVAudioSession. By default, the player sets the AVAudioSessionCategory to AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, the mode to AVAudioSessionModeDefault, and the options to AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers. If you would like the player to use alternate settings, assign them here before playback begins.

(note: this method does not immediately call AVAudioSession setCategory:mode:options:error - it only assigns the default values that the player will use when it needs to get an AVAudioSession)

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– submitLogsForRemoteDebuggingWithLabel:

This method sends all Feed SDK generated logs since the start of the application to for manual debugging. If you are experiencing unexpected behavior with the SDK, call this method after the bad behavior occurs and let your customer support person at feed know what value you passed for ‘label’.

- (void)submitLogsForRemoteDebuggingWithLabel:(nonnull NSString *)label



a unique label to assist engineers in finding this specific log

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