PlayPauseButton Class Reference

Inherits from UIButton
Declared in PlayPauseButton.h


Button that automatically updates its selected property to reflect whether or not music is currently playing, and responds to touches by calling [AdaptrAudioPlayer play] or [AdaptrAudioPlayer pause].

When the button has selected = false, it should render an image to indicate that tapping the button will start music (a triangle ‘play’ image). When the button has selected = true it should indicate that tapping the button will pause music playback (a ‘pause’ image).

If the hideWhenStalled property is set to YES, then this button will set its hidden property to true when the player is stalled waiting for audio data over the network. Presumably there is an FMActivityIndicator in the same location on the screen that becomes visible at the same time and the user gets an indication that the player is working, despite no music playing.

If the station property is set (directly, or via stationName), then the button’s visibility and selected state are dependent on the active station matching this value. Similarly, if the audioItem property is set, the button’s visibility and selected state are dependent on the active song matching this value.

When the active station does not match the button’s station value, the button will have selected = false and will be visible. Tapping the button will cause the active station to change to the station value and playback will be started in that station.

When the active song does not match the button’s audioItem value, the butotn will have selected = false and will be visible. Tapping the button will cause the player to switch to the audioItems station and request playback of that specific song.

When the active station does match the button’s stationName or station value, the button’s selected property will be adjusted as above. Additionally, if hideWhenActive is true and the active station matches, the button will be hidden.

Similarly, if the active song does match the button’s audioItem value, the button’s selected property will be adjusted as above. Additionally, if hideWhenActive is true and the active song matches, the button will be hidden.


When set, the button looks for a station with the given name, and sets the station property to that station. This property is optional and is primarily offered to assign a button to a station via Interface Builder.

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBInspectable NSString *stationName

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If this property is set, then the button only controls playback for the given station and the button’s selected status is only set when the active station matches this value.

@property (nonatomic, strong) Station *station


When the button is tapped, but the active station does not match this value, the button makes this station the active station and starts playback. If the active station already matches this button, then a tap causes playback to pause.

Assigning a non-nil value to this property causes audioItem to be set to nil.

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If this property is set, then the button only controls playback for the given song and the button’s selected status is only set when the active song matches this value.

@property (nonatomic, strong) Audiofile *audioItem


When the button is tapped, but the active song does not match this value, the button makes this song’s station the active station and then tries to start playback of the requested song. If the active song already matches this button, then a tap causes playback to pause.

Assigning a non-nil value to this property causes station to be set to nil.

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If true, this button will set its hidden property to true when the AdaptrAudioPlayer is stalled, and false otherwise.

@property (nonatomic) IBInspectable BOOL hideWhenStalled


If the station or audioItem property is set, then the button will only hide when the active station or song matches that property and the player is stalled.

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When true, this button will hide itself when it matches the active station or audioItem and the player is not in the idle state.

@property (nonatomic) IBInspectable BOOL hideWhenActive

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When true, and if the player is already playing music in a station that doesn’t match this button’s station property, the transition to playback of this station will be crossfaded.

@property (nonatomic) IBInspectable BOOL crossfade


This currently does not apply similarly to the ‘audioItem’ property, but may in a future update. *

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