StationCrossfader Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in StationCrossfader.h


The StationCrossfader allows you to tie music player actions (such as station changes and volume changes) to cue points. The basic use case is to change stations and volume while playing instructional audio in a separate audio player.

Basic class usage works like so: Create an instance of the class with an array of time offsets (cue points) and the actions you want to happen at those times. The current implementation allows you to change the current station or volume. You can create an instance like so:

StationCrossfader *cf = [StationCrossfade stationCrossfaderWithInitialStation:@{ @“bpm”: @“slow” }, andCuePoints: @[ // at 5 seconds in, change the volume to 0.5 5.0f, @0.5f, // also at 5 seconds in, crosfade to the station // with a ‘bpm’ value of ‘medium’ 5.0f, @{ @“bpm”: @“medium” }, // at 10 seconds in, change volume to 1.0 10.0f, @1.0f, // and crossfade to station with ‘bpm’ of ‘high’ 10.0f, @{ @“bpm”: @“high” } ]];

Alternatively, you can create an instance of the class with no cue points and then use playStation:startingAtTime: and setVolume:startingAtTime to add cue points.

When you have added all the cue points, make a call to:

[cf connect];

Now, as your external media elapses, inform the station crossfader:

[cf elapseToTime: _externalMediaPlayer.currentElapsedTime]

which call will cause the crossfader to update the current station and volume settings as per the cue points.

When any external media that the cue points are connected to starts playback or pauses playback, you should call [cf play] or [cf pause].

If the user pauses playback of music (independent of your external media), then call [cf disconnect] so that music stays paused until the user turns it back on again. When the user wants to resume playback, call [cf reconnect].

+ stationCrossfaderWithInitialStation:andCuePoints:

Create a new StationCrossfader instance. The station passed in is considered the initial station for playback, and cuepoints is an array of alternating time offsets and station specifiers/volume settings that indicate when the station should change or the volume should change.

+ (StationCrossfader *)stationCrossfaderWithInitialStation:(NSDictionary *)initialStationOptionKeysAndValues andCuePoints:(NSArray *)cuePoints



a set of key/value pairs that will be passed to AdaptrAudioPlayer getStationWithOptionKey:Value: to get the intial station for playback


an array that holds alternating NSFloats that specify time indexes and either station queries or volume values

Return Value

a new StationCrossfader object


This call:

StationCrossfader *cf = [StationCrossfade stationCrossfaderWithInitialStation:@{ @“bpm”: @“slow” }, andCuePoints: @[ // change station to one with a “bpm” value of “medium” 5.0f, @{ @“bpm”: @“medium” }, // change station to one with a “bpm” value of “high” 10.0f, @{ @“bpm”: @“high” }, // change volume to 0.2 0.0f, @0.2f // change volume to 1.0 8.0f, @1.0f ]];

Would make the station with ‘slow’ bpm active from 0 seconds in to 5 seconds in, then the station with ‘medium’ bpm active from 5 seconds to 10 seconds, then the station with ‘high’ bpm active from 10 seconds to the end of the song. The music player volume will be set to 0.2 starting a 0 seconds in, and then changed to 1.0 at 8 seconds in.

Setting the intial station to nil means the player starts out paused until a station change cuepoint is hit.

CuePoints do not need to be in order, as they are ordered when the ‘connect’ call is made later.

Declared In


+ stationCrossfaderWithInitialStation:

Create a new StationCrossfader instance with a default station. Cue points can be added with the playStation:startingAtTime and setvolume:startingAtTime: methods.

+ (StationCrossfader *)stationCrossfaderWithInitialStation:(NSDictionary *)initialStationOptionKeysAndValues



a set of key/value pairs that will be passed to AdaptrAudioPlayer getStationWithOptionKey:Value: to get the intial station for playback

Return Value

a new StationCrossfader object

Declared In


– playStation:startingAtTime:

Specify that the station specified by optionKeysAndValues should be active starting at the given time.

- (void)playStation:(NSDictionary *)optionKeysAndValues startingAtTime:(float)time



a set of key/value pairs that will be passed to AdaptrAudioPlayer getStationWithOptionKey:Value: to find a station


the time at which the named station should become active.


Calls to this method must be made before calling ‘connect’

Declared In


– setVolume:startingAtTime:

Specify that the music player volume should be set to the given volume starting at the given time.

- (void)setVolume:(NSNumber *)volume startingAtTime:(float)time



an NSNumber whose float value is from 0.0 to 1.0


the time at which the named station should become active.


Calls to this method must be made before calling ‘connect’

Declared In


– connect

This resets the player, changes the active station to the initial station and starts queueing up the first song.

- (void)connect

Declared In


– play

Call this to start or resume music playback rather than directly calling the global shared player instance.

- (void)play

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– pause

Call this to pause music playback rather than directly calling the global shared player instance.

- (void)pause

Declared In


– disconnect

If the user hits pause while music is playing, then disconnect should be called to prevent this class from updating playback (even if elapseTotime: is called) until the user resumes music playback.

- (void)disconnect

Declared In


– reconnect

If the user hits play after disconnecting, then reconnect should be called so stations are updated by this class again.

- (void)reconnect

Declared In


– elapseToTime:

This call causes the active station in the shared AdaptrAudioPlayer to be updated to match the station that should be active at time. This method should be called at regular intervals while the external media is playing.

- (void)elapseToTime:(float)time



current number of seconds elapsed in external media.

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