
interface EventListener

Implement this listener to keep track of tracks being played


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abstract fun onPlayerStateChanged(playerState: State)

Triggered every time player state is changed

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abstract fun onPlayFailedToPrepare(play: Play, error: Exception)

Triggered if the player failed to prepare this item for playback

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abstract fun onPlayItemBeganPlayback(waitingTime: Int, play: Play, bufferingTime: Long)

This event will be triggered when next item begins playback. The previous item may still be playing if crossfading is enabled

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abstract fun onPlayItemFinishedPlayback(play: Play, reason: Int, error: Exception?)

Triggered after a play item has finished playing or is ending soon. The item may still be playing if crossfading is enabled and the play reason is REACHED_END

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abstract fun onPlayItemReadyForPlayback(play: Play)

This event will be triggered when this item is cached and is ready for immediate playback

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abstract fun onProgressUpdate(play: Play, elapsedTime: Float, duration: Float)

Triggered every 500ms for progress updates on current playing item